Canva Tips & tutorials

How to Wrap Text in Canva


In today’s digital world, mastering graphic design is crucial for businesses, influencers, and individuals alike. It’s not just about making things look good anymore—it’s about making a memorable impact. Whether you’re crafting captivating social media posts or designing polished marketing materials, mastering text wrapping in Canva can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your creations.

Canva offers powerful tools to help you achieve seamless integration of text with images, allowing you to create dynamic and engaging layouts effortlessly. With its user-friendly interface, vast template library, and intuitive tools, Canva has become the go-to platform for anyone looking to elevate their visual content effortlessly.

Whether you’re a seasoned graphic designer looking to streamline your workflow or a newcomer dipping your toes into the world of design, Canva offers a gateway to endless creative possibilities. From designing eye-catching social media graphics to crafting captivating presentations and marketing materials, Canva empowers individuals and businesses to tell their stories and make a lasting impression in today’s competitive digital landscape.


Understanding Text Wrapping: Enhancing Visual Appeal

Text wrapping is not just a feature; it’s a cornerstone of design that holds the power to transform ordinary compositions into visually striking masterpieces. By seamlessly intertwining text with images, text wrapping infuses your designs with depth, dimension, and a sense of cohesion that captivates the viewer’s attention. Whether you’re crafting a social media graphic, a flyer, or a presentation slide, mastering text wrapping opens up a realm of creative possibilities, enabling you to convey your message with clarity and impact.

With Canva’s versatile text wrapping capabilities, navigating the intricacies of design becomes a seamless journey, even for those with limited experience. Gone are the days of grappling with complex design software or struggling to align text precisely with images. Canva’s intuitive interface and array of tools empower users to effortlessly manipulate text, allowing them to wrap it around objects, shape it to fit contours, or overlay it onto backgrounds with ease.

The beauty of Canva lies in its accessibility; whether you’re a seasoned designer or a newcomer to the world of graphic design, Canva provides a level playing field where creativity knows no bounds. With just a few clicks, you can transform mundane text into an integral part of your visual narrative, breathing life into your designs and captivating your audience in ways you never thought possible.

In essence, Canva’s text wrapping capabilities transcend mere functionality—they embody the spirit of innovation and democratization that defines the platform. With Canva by your side, you’re not just creating designs; you’re crafting experiences, forging connections, and leaving a lasting impression on those who encounter your work. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and let Canva’s text wrapping feature be your guiding light on the journey to design excellence.

Text Wrapping in Canva: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Accessing Canva and Selecting a Template

To begin, navigate to Canva’s website and log in to your account. If you’re new to Canva, you can sign up for free. Once logged in, browse through the wide array of templates available. For this tutorial, let’s focus on creating a social media post. Select a suitable template or start with a blank canvas.

Step 2: Adding Images

Upload the image you want to use as the background for your design. Alternatively, you can explore Canva’s extensive library of stock photos and illustrations. Drag and drop the chosen image onto your canvas and resize it as needed.

Step 3: Inserting Text

Click on the “Text” tab in the sidebar and choose a text style that complements your design. Click anywhere on the canvas to add a text box. Type in your desired text, whether it’s a catchy headline, a quote, or a call-to-action.

Step 4: Adjusting Text Wrapping

With your text selected, locate the “Effects” option in the toolbar above the canvas. Click on “Text Effects” and choose “Wrap.” Canva offers various text wrapping options, including wrapping around a shape or an image. Experiment with different settings until you achieve the desired look.

Step 5: Fine-Tuning

Refine your design by adjusting the placement and size of your text. You can also play around with font styles, colors, and spacing to ensure harmony with your overall composition. Don’t hesitate to iterate and explore different variations until you’re satisfied with the result.

Tips and Tricks for Text Wrapping in Canva

1- Utilize Canva's Grid and Alignment Tools:

 Ensure precise placement of text and images by leveraging Canva’s grid and alignment features.

2- Combine Text and Shapes:

Experiment with incorporating shapes into your design to create visually captivating text wrapping effects.

3- Use Contrast to Enhance Legibility:

Ensure that your text remains legible by choosing colors and fonts that contrast effectively with the background image.

4- Incorporate Visual Hierarchy:

Guide the viewer’s attention by employing varying font sizes, weights, and styles to establish a clear visual hierarchy within your design.

5- Preview Across Different Devices:

Check how your design appears on various devices to ensure optimal readability and aesthetic appeal, especially for social media posts.


To access Canva’s text wrapping feature, follow these steps:

  • Select the text you want to wrap.
  • Click on the “Effects” option in the toolbar above the canvas.
  • Choose “Text Effects” and then select “Wrap.”
  • Experiment with different wrapping options until you achieve the desired effect.

Yes, Canva offers flexibility in customizing the shape around which text wraps. You can choose from various shapes available in Canva’s library or create your own custom shape using the “Elements” tab. Simply insert the shape onto your canvas, place it behind the text, and adjust its size and position as needed.

When creating Instagram Canva templates, consider the square aspect ratio of Instagram posts. Opt for text wrapping styles that complement this format, such as wrapping text around a central image or creating text overlays that maintain balance within the square frame. Additionally, ensure that your text remains concise and legible, as Instagram users often have limited attention spans.

As of the current version of Canva, text wrapping effects cannot be animated directly within the platform. However, you can create animated graphics using Canva’s animation features and incorporate text wrapping effects by pre-rendering the text with wrapping applied and then animating the entire graphic.

To ensure that text wrapping enhances your design:

  • Maintain visual balance: Ensure that the text wraps harmoniously around images or shapes without overpowering them.
  • Prioritize legibility: Choose fonts, colors, and text sizes that remain readable against the background.
  • Consider focal points: Position text wrapping elements strategically to draw attention to key areas of your design.
  • Test on different devices: Preview your design across various devices to ensure that text wrapping translates effectively across different screen sizes.

While Canva’s text wrapping feature offers versatility, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • Limited customization: Canva’s text wrapping options may not offer the same level of customization as professional design software.
  • Compatibility constraints: Text wrapping effects may not always translate seamlessly to different platforms or file formats.
  • Performance considerations: Complex text wrapping effects may impact the performance of your design, particularly in larger projects or when working with numerous text elements.

While Canva provides predefined text wrapping options, you can create custom text wrapping effects by combining shapes, images, and text in creative ways. Experiment with layering elements, adjusting transparency, and utilizing negative space to achieve unique text wrapping effects tailored to your design.

When integrating text wrapping into social media graphics:

  • Keep it concise: Social media platforms favor concise messaging, so opt for brief and impactful text.
  • Focus on visuals: Use text wrapping to complement visuals rather than overshadowing them, ensuring that your graphics remain visually engaging.
  • Consider platform requirements: Tailor your text wrapping styles to suit the requirements and aesthetics of each social media platform, whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or others.

Yes, Canva provides a wide range of pre-designed templates that incorporate text wrapping effects. These templates cover various themes and purposes, including social media posts, presentations, posters, and more. You can explore Canva’s template library and customize them to suit your specific needs.

If you encounter issues when working with text wrapping in Canva, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check for overlapping elements: Ensure that text and other design elements do not overlap, as this can affect the wrapping effect.
  • Review alignment settings: Adjust alignment settings to ensure that text wraps smoothly around the intended object or shape.
  • Experiment with different text and wrapping options: If a particular text wrapping style isn’t producing the desired result, try experimenting with alternative options until you achieve the desired effect.
  • Reach out to Canva support: If you encounter persistent issues or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Canva’s customer support for guidance and troubleshooting assistance.


Learning how to wrap text in Canva can help you create beautiful graphics that grab your audience’s attention. By following the step-by-step guide and using tips and tricks, you can improve your designs and make a lasting impression. Experiment and let your imagination run wild as you explore Canva’s text-wrapping capabilities.

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